Demanding63.3 km4 hours
Adventure Center - Adventure Center
The nature reserve Malingsbo-Kloten in the border areas between Västmanland and Dalarna is Sweden's largest Nature Reserve. A 56,000 ha wilderness area in Örebro, Dalarna and Västmanland Counties. Trelänsleden, which starts and ends in Örebro County, winds through the great forest into Dalarna County and further into Västmanland County. The bike trail passes 300 meters from the treläns cairn. The wilderness has been Nature Reserve protected since 1950, which is why the area is an untouched and popular free zone for many wild animals. A long-standing building ban has stopped all exploitation of summer cottages, making the Malingsbo-Kloten Nature Reserve a unique and exciting destination in central Sweden. In the Nature Reserve there are a number of fine old timber roads that are ideal for cycling tours. With the help of a bike, you will find the nature reserve's many fine "hidden gems".
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Hiker with backpack looking at map on his phone to find the right path in the Swedish wilderness.
Hiking over a bridge in the Swedish wilderness with Nordic Discovery.
Along the way you will find:
The starting and ending point of the bike trail. The village's history is divided into three epochs. A time of iron production in a smelter starting in the 1600s. A timber and lumberjack era between the late 1800s and early 1900s. In modern times, we live in the third epoch of the village of Kloten with a time of recreation, nature, adventure and activity tourism. At the end of the iron handling period and the beginning of the timber and lumberjack era, Kloten had a population of more than 1000 people. Today there are around 30 permanent residents. In the village there are canoes, kayaks and MTB for rent and the opportunity to participate in a wildlife safari.
The old railway station
Between 1877 and 1934 there was a railway between Kloten and Bånghammar (Bånghammar is located a few kilometers south of Kopparberg). Between the railway station and the Nordic Discovery Adventure Center, the former loading platform (built of slag stone) remains. An information board shows interesting pictures from the past.
The Locomotive shed
The Three-cent road
The road was built in the early 1930s. Whether the road name came from the low salary or a poor salary increase is unclear.
In the surroundings there are plenty of memories from the last ice age and the period about 9500 years ago when the ice retreated from Bergslagen. Here the border between land and sea was located, which meant that many special natural formations arose right here. The red soil (which was previously the raw material in local iron production) is found in a large area with layers that vary from a few centimeters to a few meters. The red soil was formed when the inland ice melted. Iron was dissolved from the bedrock and followed out into the watercourses via the groundwater. When the iron came into contact with the air, the iron was precipitated into iron oxides that formed thick layers (which contain up to 40% iron). Remains of blast furnaces (from iron production) have been dated with the C 14 method to 700 years BC. Red soil is still being formed.
Swimming area
Skildammens bathing place
Theater machine
A large theater building along the bike path in the middle of the forest.
Here Lasse-Maja made visits and thefts at Gammelbo farm around the turn of the century between the 1700s and 1800s.
Swimming area
Nice swimming area in Lake Glien