South canoe trail 12km

Easy11.3 km4 hours

Adventure Center - Adventure Center

The 12km alternative takes half a day to paddle. Along the trail there is a bathing place and several resting places.

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A couple enjoying the calm and pristine nature while canoeing on mirror-like water.
A man in cowboy hat canoeing in calm waters enjoying the beautiful nature.
South American lady with braids and a man with a cowboy hat canoeing in a narrow river surrounded by grass and nature.
Two people canoeing in a calm river with fog on the water surface while the sun peeking through the trees.
Two happy adventurers exploreing the swedish wilderness by canoe on a calm river.
A fisherman with his wife and dog having a great time canoeing in the lush and green nature.
A man is transporting a canoe on wheels through the forest to the river for a day of paddling.

Along the way you will find:


This is a simple fireplace with a bench and a table. The place is located on the west side of Klotensjön and is a good place to stop for lunch or a swim. Make sure to not make a fire if there is a active fire ban.